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2nd Marine Aircraft Wing


2nd Marine Aircraft Wing

National Preparedness Month makes its mark at Cherry Point

By Pfc. Nicholas P. Baird | Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point | October 2, 2015


The Marine Corps takes pride in remaining ready to defend the nation against diverse threats and hazards that could chisel away at the nation’s security, resilience and preparedness.

In September, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point participated in the 12th annual National Preparedness Month, in an effort to inform Cherry Point personnel and families of resources and opportunities available to them in an event that a national disaster or an emergency arises.

During National Preparedness Month residents and personnel learned how to prepare for natural weather disasters that happen year round; to include, hurricanes, floods and winter storms, by participating in preparedness drills, group discussions and exercises.  

“A natural disaster happens almost instantly and that’s why it’s important to remain prepared,” said Wayne Lawrence, the requirements branch head with Cherry Point’s Public Works Department. “If we present the information now, we could potentially be helping a family confronted with a storm.”

The campaign’s theme for this year is “Don’t wait. Communicate. Make your emergency plan today,” said Lawrence.

Families were encouraged to make a family emergency plan that identifies shelters, emergency contacts and emergency kits.

“We are encouraging the Marines to take advantage of the seminars and any kind of training that they can get, to ensure that their families are organized and ready for a crisis situation,” said Lawrence.

Cherry Point residents and personnel can learn more about protecting themselves by staying up-to-date on weather changes in their area and remaining vigilant, said Michael McGee, the facilities manager at Cherry Point’s Public Works department.

“It is vital that the Marines learn their roles in the barracks and at home in case a storm happens to protect their families,” said McGee. “The more prepared our Marines are the more prepared the Marine Corps will be to help our nation during a time of natural disaster.”

For more information on weather and emergency updates visit Cherrypoint.marines.mil.