From active
shooters, to destructive weather, emergency situations can happen spontaneously
causing difficulties and creating panic at home and in the workplace.
Cherry Point’s Mission
Assurance office hosted an Emergency Preparedness seminar to prepare Marines,
Sailors and Department of Defense employees for destructive weather, Sept. 29.
The seminar informed participants about resources available to help guide and
assist Cherry Point personnel for what to do before, during and after an
episode of harsh weather conditions.
“One thing I hope
the Marines took from the seminar would be that they know where to go, and how
to get help to be prepared,” said Grant DeHaven, the Mission Assurance program
manager. “Just giving them the resources, or at least planting the seed in
their minds to go and get that information helps.”
The Mass
Notification System and emergency planning procedures are tools Cherry Point
personnel can use to stay prepared for an emergency like an active shooter,
destructive weather or a chemical leak.
The Mass
Notification System is an application that sends immediate notifications to
Cherry Point personnel in an event that a threat or hazard is imminent.
The Mass
Notification System will help the Marines by providing them with the tools and
information to properly prepare themselves and their work areas for any type of
disaster that may occur, said Etta Lucas, the emergency installation manager.
“The Marines should react positively after
reviewing current emergency preparedness documents and update their personal
contact information in the mass notification system,” said Lucas.
As of 2 p.m. Oct. 1,
Cherry Point is in Tropical Cyclone Condition IV and Force Protection Condition
Bravo, which means the potential for severe weather exists within the next 72
hours. As severe weather approaches,
military personnel and civilian employees of MCAS Cherry Point should monitor
the Severe Weather Information Line at 466-3093 for work status and destructive
weather condition updates. FRC East
employees should call 464-8333 for more information. DLA Employees should call 466-4083. Naval Health Clinic personnel should call
466-1188. MCCS employees should call
Guidance is
available in the Cherry Point Destructive Weather order, ASO 3140.1A w/CH 1
( ). Destructive
weather information and tips are also available on the Cherry Point website at
Tropical Cyclone
Condition updates will also be available on the Cherry Point website at; Cherry Point Facebook at; Twitter at; and on Cherry Point TV 6.