LtCol Nathaniel Miller graduated from MCRD San Diego in 1999. As a communications Marine he deployed in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM I. He graduated from Indiana University and was commissioned as a second lieutenant (2ndLt) through the Officer Candidate Course. Upon graduation from The Basic School, 2ndLt Miller reported to Marine Air Control Squadron 2 (MACS-2), Cherry Point, NC.
While at MACS-2, 1stLt Miller deployed as the Marine Air Traffic Control Mobile Team (MMT) Leader on the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) from 2010 until 2011. After returning from the 26th MEU, Captain Miller assumed command of Marine Air Traffic Control (MATC) Detachment Charlie, Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field Bogue, NC form 2011-2013. In 2013, Captain Miller deployed as the Marine Air Control Group 28 (Forward) Operations Officer in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.
Following his tour at Cherry Point, Captain Miller attended Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS) aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA. After EWS, he reported to Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1), Yuma, AZ where he served as the MATC Division Head from 2014-2017.
After his tour at MAWTS-1, Major Miller reported to Marine Tactical Air Command Squadron 28 (MTACS-28) in 2017, where he served as company commander and subsequently the MTACS-28 Operations Officer. His follow-on assignment was at MACS-2 as the Squadron Executive Officer until 2020.
Major Miller’s ensuing orders directed him to Command and Staff College at Marine Corps University aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA where he graduated in 2021 earning a Master’s in Military Science.
Major Miller executed permanent change of station orders to Marine Corps Base Hawaii in July, 2021. He assumed the billet of Battalion Executive Officer of the newly formed 3d Littoral Anti-Air Battalion (3d LAAB), 3d Marine Littoral Regiment (3d MLR), 3d Marine Division. Following his assignment with 3d LAAB, 3d MLR and his promotion to LtCol, he executed orders to U.S. Marine Forces, Pacific as the Aviation Command and Control Branch Head, Aviation Division.
LtCol Miller took command of MACS-2 as on June 17th, 2024.
His personal decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal (2 gold stars), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation (gold star), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and Army Achievement Medal.