The Angel Tree
program has taken wing as the holiday season kicks off at Marine Corps Air
Station Cherry Point, N.C., Nov. 17, 2015. With generous hearts, MCAS Cherry
Point Marines, Sailors and DOD personnel are donating to fellow service members’
children by using the Angel Tree program.
“(The Angel Tree
program) is an anonymous gift request and giving program run by Marine Corps
Community Services at Cherry Point,” said Alisa Pappas, wife of Col. Chris
Pappas III, commanding officer of MCAS Cherry Point. “It is a great program because the gift
requests are submitted individually, and the gift can be tailored to what each
child wants or may need. The gifts are available to children of all ages, and
the eligible families are chosen by their squadron sergeant major.”
This is the third
year the air station is participating in the Angel Tree program. Last year, the
number of children who benefited from the program doubled from the first.
Organizers hope this year will do even more.
“The Angel Tree
program is organized each year by Marine Corps Community Services, but it
functions solely based on the support of anonymous donors,” said Catherine
Thomas, wife of Maj. Gen. Gary L. Thomas, commanding general of 2nd Marine Aircraft
Wing. “Because of the many participants who pick an angel from one of the Angel
Trees, children of our service members who might have otherwise gone without gifts
on Christmas are now able to receive new, wrapped gifts under their trees on
Christmas morning.”
Angel Trees are
located at the Marine Corps Exchange, Naval Health Clinic and Headquarters
The Angel Tree
program provides relief to parents and encourages a lifelong happy memory for
their child, explained Thomas.
“Anyone with base
access can choose one or more angels from the trees,” said Pappas.
Personnel who wish
to participate can pick out an angel and purchase the gift listed on the angel,
the maximum amount to be spent on a gift is $25. Once the item is purchased, gifts
must be dropped off with the angel at the MCX no later than Dec. 11, 2015.
For more information
call (252) 466-3001.