Driving while intoxicated
costs more than just a fine and a night in jail. An individual’s entire life
can change along with the lives of those they put at risk because of a stupid
As a way to
encourage individuals to make responsible choices, Marine Corps Air Station
Cherry Point is conducting a DWI Prevention Campaign during March and April to reinforce the message of
the current Protect What You’ve Have Earned initiative.
“We all have things
we value in life; ranging from people, such as family or friends; to ideals, such
as freedom and good health,” said Brenton M. Baker, an alcohol prevention
specialist with Marine Corps Community Services at Cherry Point. “At any given
moment, the choices and actions we take either protect or risk the things that
we care so much about. The hope of this
campaign is that individuals who choose to consume alcohol will make
responsible choices for getting home; and in doing so, protect what they value
Baker stated that the
primary image being shown for the campaign references the financial and
personal costs of making a choice to either get a safe ride home, such as a
taxi, or taking a far more expensive ride in a police car following a DWI
“Apart from the
safety issues associated with DWI, a first-time DWI in North Carolina costs an
average of $7,000 to $10, 000,”said Baker. “We hope the campaign is a call to
actions and choices that protect against such consequences.”
Individuals learn
how making low-risk decisions while consuming alcohol directly affects their overall
mission readiness and provides a better quality of life for Marines, Sailors
and families.
“The hope is that
the DWI Prevention Campaign, along with other prevention initiatives will help
reduce the number of alcohol-related arrests and incidents to include DWIs,”
said Cassaundra E. Bass, the substance abuse clinical counselor director at the
Substance Abuse Counseling Center. “We also hope to see people making smart
choices surrounding alcohol use.”
The message of this
campaign, in conjunction with the Protect What You’ve Earned Campaign, starts with personally committing to responsible
decisions around the use of alcohol, including not driving after consumption. Accountability
is promoted between service members and having the courage to intervene when
someone is making poor decisions with alcohol or is in need of help.
“You’ve earned your
eagle, globe and anchor. Now protect it,” said Sgt. Maj. Ronald L. Green,
18th Sergeant Major of the Marine
Corps. “There are two names on your chest, the one you were born into, and the
one you enlisted into. Both mean family. Make sure you don’t let either one of
them down.”
information on this campaign, including electronic images that can be printed
or displayed online, is available through an alcohol abuse prevention specialist
who can be reached at (252) 466-8413.
Service members can
contact the Substance Abuse Counseling Center directly at (252) 466-7568, or
Behavioral Health, “One Portal of Entry” at (252) 466-3264.
To get more
information on the Protect What You’ve Earned initiative and the common mindset
shared by the DWI Prevention Campaign, visit
Prevention and
education resources, and individual assistance to those in need are available
through Behavioral Health.